1.【聲音 | Blockchain Capital合夥人:Facebook可以將加密用戶增加一倍或三倍】
據Cointelegraph消息,加密投資公司Blockchain Capital的合夥人Spencer Bogart在接受採訪時表示,社交媒體巨頭Facebook在加密領域的努力可能會導致加密貨幣用戶數量增加一倍或兩倍。他認爲Facebook發行的代幣無論是作爲一種穩定資産還是另一種加密資産,將起到跳板的作用。
1. [Sound | Blockchain Capital Partner: Facebook can double or triple encrypted users]
According to Cointelegraph, Spencer Bogart, a partner at encryption-based investment firm Blockchain Capital, said in an interview that social media giant Facebook's efforts in encryption could double or double the number of cryptocurrency users. He believes that the tokens issued by Facebook will serve as a springboard, either as a stable asset or as another encryption asset.
1.【動態 | 微信搜索指數顯示數字貨幣相關詞彙近期搜索出現明顯上升】
1. [Dynamic | WeChat Search Index shows a significant increase in recent searches for digital currency related vocabulary]
According to the WeChat search index, keywords related to digital currency have seen significant growth recently, "IEO's day-on-quarter growth has reached 45.94%".
The remaining keywords are as follows: blockchain (+20.99%), bitcoin (+6.16%), currency security (+20.11%), OKEx (+15.57%).
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