2018/12/24 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant
1.【金色晨訊 | 美國立法者尋求對伊朗開發主權加密貨幣進行制裁 英國政府或將授予FCA對加密貨幣的監管權】
1. [Golden Morning News | US legislators seek sanctions on Iran's development of sovereign cryptocurrencies. The UK government may grant FCA jurisdiction over cryptocurrencies]
(1) US legislators seek sanctions against Iran to develop sovereign cryptocurrencies
(2) Russian Deputy Finance Minister: Opportunity to launch digital currency supported by the Eurasian Economic Union countries
(3) The two major banks in Chile require the court to revoke the decision to block the closing of the exchange account
(4) The British government may grant the FCA the right to supervise the cryptocurrency
(5) Bermuda issues draft cryptocurrency trusteeship rules
(6) Zhao Hanning: The application of sesame credit in exploring blockchain technology in credit construction
(7) The Joint Laboratory of Blockchain Technology Application of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau was established
(8) UAE Securities and Commodities Authority: UAE will complete ICO regulations by mid-2019
(9) The Japan Financial Services Agency today released the “Report on Seminars on Virtual Currency Exchange Industry”
2.【動態 | 美國立法者尋求對伊朗開發主權加密貨幣進行制裁】
據coindesk報道,美國衆議員Mike Gallagher本周提出了“阻止伊朗非法金融法案”,其中部分內容要求報告伊朗爲建立主權加密貨幣所做的努力。參議院參議員Ted Cruz也於13日提交了類似的法案,要求對故意向伊朗提供資金、服務或技術支持,與伊朗數字貨幣發展有關的人進行制裁。最近幾個月,美國監管機構警告稱,伊朗政府希望使用類似委內瑞拉石油幣的主權加密貨幣來逃避經濟制裁。
2. [Dynamic | US legislators seek sanctions for Iran to develop sovereign cryptocurrencies]
According to coindesk, US Congressman Mike Gallagher proposed the "Illegal Iranian Finance Act" this week, some of which asked for Iran's efforts to establish a sovereign cryptocurrency. Senate Ted Cruz also filed a similar bill on the 13th to impose sanctions on those who deliberately provide funds, services or technical support to Iran and related to the development of Iran's digital currency. In recent months, US regulators have warned that the Iranian government wants to use economic sovereign cryptocurrency like Venezuelan oil to evade economic sanctions.
3.【動態 | 21日比特幣單日交易量達曆史最高】
據bitcoinist消息,基金管理公司Crypto Quantamental表示,根據其彙編的數據,21日的BTC單日交易量爲曆史最高,共計2,266,735枚比特幣(約91億美元)。這一數字打破了此前的記錄,即今年12月7日的1,972,040枚比特幣和2月6日的1,891,130枚比特幣。
3. [Dynamic | The daily trading volume of Bitcoin on the 21st is the highest in history]
According to bitcoinist news, fund management company Crypto Quantamental said that according to the data compiled by it, the single-day transaction volume of BTC on the 21st was the highest in history, totaling 2,266,735 bitcoins (about 9.1 billion US dollars). This figure broke the previous record of 1,972,040 bitcoins on December 7 this year and 1,891,130 bitcoins on February 6.
4.【分析 | Bakkt實物交割比特幣的推出或將拉高比特幣價格】
根據資産需求和Bakkt交易所的交易活動,Bakkt的比特幣ETF若在預計的1月份發布,可能會影比特幣的供應並導致比特幣價格上漲。Bakkt首席執行官Kelly Loeffler表示,以現金結算的合約有一些好處,但實物結算的比特幣期貨合約對於加強資産的基礎設施是必要的。
4. [Analysis | Bakkt physical delivery bitcoin launch or will raise the price of bitcoin]
According to CCN analysis, given the limited supply of contracts between CME and CBOE, the impact of the two futures markets on the actual price of Bitcoin may be minimal. However, Bakkt's upcoming bitcoin futures market guarantees the physical delivery of Bitcoin, which will provide investors with encrypted asset custody and deliver the assets to every investor in the market.
Based on asset demand and trading activities at Bakkt Exchange, Bakkt's Bitcoin ETF, if released in January, may affect the supply of Bitcoin and lead to higher bitcoin prices. Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler said that cash-settled contracts have some benefits, but physical settlement of bitcoin futures contracts is necessary to strengthen the asset's infrastructure.
5.【聲音 | 老狼:大跌之後必有反彈 從長期來看感覺幣圈還處在熊市行情】
5. [Sound | Old Wolf: There must be a rebound after the big fall. In the long run, the coin is still in the bear market]
In the past two days, the price of coins has risen, Bitcoin has returned to above 4,000 US dollars, and BCH has increased by more than 50%. In this case, Golden Finance interviewed the founder of the European chain, the old wolf said: Any market will rebound after the market crash, from In the long run, I feel that the currency circle is still in a bear market. This round of the Mavericks market started from bitfinex.
The possible reason behind this is that the US interest rate hike has caused the US stock market to fall. The funds in the market still need to find the investment target, and some funds may enter the blockchain market. For short-term investors, they may step on a local high position. For long-term investors, if they buy now and hold for a long time, there is no big loss.
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