2018/12/22 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant
1.【分析 | 亞洲比美國和歐洲對比特幣價格的影響更大】
據bitcoinist.com消息, 隨著美國證券交易委員會批准比特幣ETF以及加密貨幣衍生品的引入等事件,很容易想象市場受到美國新聞的推動。
這家研究公司表示 ,亞洲有11項關於加密貨幣的重大新聞動態。這些頭條新聞平均影響市場18.61%。
1. [Analysis | Asia has a greater impact on bitcoin prices than the US and Europe]
According to bitcoinist.com, with the US Securities and Exchange Commission's approval of the introduction of Bitcoin ETFs and cryptocurrency derivatives, it is easy to imagine that the market is driven by US news.
However, new research shows that the main driver of bitcoin prices and the cryptocurrency market is Asia, not the West. According to cryptocurrency data and research firm Mosaic, the impact of Asian development on the virtual currency market is far greater than the impact from the West.
The research firm said that there are 11 major news updates on cryptocurrencies in Asia. These headlines have an average impact on the market by 18.61%.
2.【動態 | 美國國會議員欲將加密貨幣排除在SEC的證券定義之外】
據CNBC報道,美國俄亥俄州共和黨衆議員Warren Davidson和佛羅裏達州民主黨衆議員Darren Soto周四提交了一項法案,將修改證券交易法,將加密貨幣排除在72年以來SEC對於證券的定義之外。據報道,兩黨合作完成的提案爲“令牌分類法”,定義了“數字代幣”,並澄清道,一旦成爲一個功能完備的網絡,證券法就不應再適用於加密貨幣。
2. [Dynamic | US Congressman wants to exclude cryptocurrency from the SEC's definition of securities]
According to CNBC, Republican Representative Warren Davidson of Ohio and Democratic State Representative Darren Soto of Florida submitted a bill on Thursday to amend the Securities Exchange Act to exclude cryptocurrency from the SEC's definition of securities for 72 years. outer. According to reports, the proposal for the cooperation between the two parties is “token classification”, which defines “digital tokens” and clarifies that once it becomes a fully functional network, the securities law should no longer apply to cryptocurrencies.
3.【金色晨訊 | 泰國監管機構或將放寬ICO規則 美國欲將加密貨幣排除在SEC的證券定義之外】
(6)金色財經榮獲2018年度數字經濟咨詢服務影響力獎 。
(8)日本金融廳公布年度活動報告書 首提虛擬貨幣相關事件。
3. [Golden Morning News | Thai regulators may relax ICO rules. The United States wants to exclude cryptocurrencies from the SEC's definition of securities]
(1) Thai regulators may relax ICO rules.
(2) "Blockchain 100 Q" is ranked first in the most popular free class in 2018.
(3) US congressmen want to exclude cryptocurrencies from the SEC's definition of securities.
(4) The US Intercontinental Exchange plans to introduce futures contracts for encrypted payments.
(5) The Changsha government issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Blockchain Industry".
(6) Golden Finance won the 2018 Digital Economic Consulting Service Impact Award.
(7) Korea Ministry of Science and Technology: Next year, the blockchain public demonstration project will be expanded to twice this year.
(8) The Japan Financial Services Agency announced the annual activity report.
(9) Venezuela has become the world's largest cryptocurrency mobile phone market.
解讀:泰國監管機構或將放寬ICO規則 美國欲將加密貨幣排除在SEC的證券定義之外
Interpretation: Thai regulators may relax ICO rules. The United States wants to exclude cryptocurrencies from the SEC's definition of securities.
Extended interpretation URL: https://www.jinse.com/news/bitcoin/293899.html
4.【動態 | Qoo10將推出區塊鏈商務平台】
4. [Dynamic | Qoo10 will launch blockchain business platform]
According to CCN, Asian e-commerce giant Qoo10 will launch a blockchain business platform based on the Ethereum agreement. The platform will launch its own Quu token, which will be the only payment method for the platform, or it can be used in the 7-Eleven store.
5.【聲音 | Ran NeuNer:Tether 24小時交易高達65億美元,新資金或將入場】
CNBC主持人Ran NeuNer剛剛發推表示,加密市場可能還沒有完全擺脫困境,但成交量出現反彈令人鼓舞。今天加密市場24小時成交量超250億美元。此外,65億美元的Tether交易(24小時交易量)可能是新資金開始流入的標誌。
5. [Sound | Ran NeuNer: Tether 24 hours trading up to 6.5 billion US dollars, new funds will be admitted]
CNBC host Ran NeuNer has just said that the encryption market may not be completely out of the woods, but the rebound in volume is encouraging. Today, the encryption market has a 24-hour volume of over $25 billion. In addition, the $6.5 billion Tether deal (24-hour trading volume) may be a sign that new funds are beginning to flow in.
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