1.【動態 | 幣安下架BSV風波持續發酵,火幣、ZB、OK三大交易所表示可能將決定權交給用戶】
4 月 16日,幣安下架BSV持續發酵,BSV一日暴跌20%,刷屏了整個幣圈。
火幣Global CEO七爺在回答BSV下架問題時回覆:不好評價友商的行爲,火幣會關注用戶的反饋,最終也可能將決定權交到用戶手上。
1. [Dynamic | Coin's BSV storm continues to ferment, and the three major exchanges of Fire Coin, ZB and OK may indicate that the decision may be given to the user]
On April 16th, the bank's BSV continued to ferment, and the BSV plummeted 20% in one day, brushing the entire currency.
In contrast, BCH surged by more than 15%. And this debate about the withdrawal of the currency from the BSV continues.
In this regard, the three major exchanges of Fire Coin, ZB and OK will continue to pay attention to the feedback of the market and users, and may hand over the decision to the users.
Firecoin Global CEO Qiye responded to the question of BSV's removal. It is not good to evaluate the behavior of friends. Fire coins will pay attention to user feedback, and may eventually hand over the decision to the user.
Zur Group Vice President Aurora said in an interview with the media that ZB, as a neutral trading platform, has respected and supported all the teams dedicated to the development of blockchain technology. ZB will further follow up the project and continue to pay attention to the market and User feedback, respecting the market and the user's decision.
OKEx official news said that OKEx has re-examined the BSV code development, liquidity, compliance and other indicators. At present, BSV has not reached the OKEx offline standard. OKEx will not consider the offline BSV. The advanced technology will determine the user and the advanced technology. Which technical route the market chooses.
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