1.【分析 | 近期山寨幣利好消息總覽】
據金色財經分析師分析:下午BTC從3820快速拉漲至3900上方,部分主流幣包括三大平台幣接力上漲,山寨幣更是群魔亂舞,前期山寨幣行情是上線三星S10手機的ENJ帶動的,這波的山寨龍頭是GRS,因GRS推出由Master Card支持的信用卡,上漲邏輯都是有利好支撐作用的幣種。
1. [Analysis | Recent Good News on Altcoin (Altcoin)]
According to the analysis of Golden Financial analysts: In the afternoon, BTC quickly pulled up from 3820 to above 3900. Some mainstream currencies include the three major platform coins, and the altcoin is a group of magical dances. The previous altcoin market is driven by the ENJ of the Samsung S10 mobile phone. The leader of the cottage is GRS. Because GRS launches the credit card supported by Master Card, the rising logic is a good support currency.
The following pictures are all recent currencies with good news for the main net. You can look at the ambush in the currency that is still not activated in the low position or the bottom is slightly raised, and the position is controlled to set the stop loss.
2.【聲音 | 媒體:谷歌、黑石、淡馬錫已聯合成立區塊鏈基金】
2. [Sound | Media: Google, Blackstone, Temasek have jointly established blockchain funds (institutional dynamics)]
According to Shenzhen Securities News, in early 2019, Google, Blackstone Group, Temasek and Rothschild families jointly established a fund, mainly investing in blockchain and financial technology companies, focusing on A and B rounds of investment. The scale can be as high as $80 billion. According to informed sources, as of now, the fund has a total of six investment managers around the world, flying two or three cities a week to find investable exchanges and public chain projects.
3.【分析 | EOS受楔形下軌支撐 小幅反彈】
金色財經分析師:日線上看,EOS 50均線上穿200均線,表明幣價反彈趨勢有望延續,短期2小時走勢可看出EOS自2月8號啓動以來,幣價一直在上升楔形三角內部震盪上行。
3. [Analysis | EOS is supported by a wedge-shaped lower rail. Small rebound (EOS)]
Golden Financial Analyst: On the daily line, the EOS 50 average wears 200 moving averages, indicating that the rebound trend of the currency price is expected to continue. The short-term two-hour trend shows that the EOS has been rising since the start of February 8th. Upstream.
At present, the trend is weak, the volume can continue to shrink, the price of the coin touches the wedge-shaped lower rail and rebounds slightly, which proves that there is support here, the lower support 3.5, the pressure 3.8.
4.【行情 | 主流幣集體反彈 三大平台幣普漲】
4.[Marks | Mainstream currencies rebounded three major platform currencies (mainstream currency platform coins)]
According to AICoin data, the mainstream currencies of the cryptocurrency market collectively rebounded, and the three major platform currencies generally rose. The current mainstream platform currency is as follows:
The current price of OKB is 1.02 US dollars, the increase of 6.66% in 24 hours, the net outflow of funds is 40.8081 million US dollars, and the market value is 306 million US dollars;
HT is currently priced at US$1.82, with a rise of 3.41% in 24h, a net outflow of US$2.001 million and a market capitalization of US$546 million.
BNB is currently trading at $14.67, with a 2.52% increase in 24h, a net inflow of $805.35 million, and a market capitalization of $2.071 billion.
5.【動態 | Bittrex子公司Bittrex International宣布推出IEO平台】
據Crypto Coinspy消息,3月11日,Bittrex子公司Bittrex International宣布推出IEO平台。
韓國初創公司RAID爲其提供了170億枚XRD用於IEO,將於3月15日9:00開始。Bittrex首席執行官Bill Shihara表示:“我們對這個IEO感到興奮,並期待未來能幫助更多類似的創新團隊與用戶建立聯系,並構建他們的平台。”
5. [Dynamic | Bittrex subsidiary Bittrex International announces the launch of the IEO platform (Exchange)]
According to Crypto Coinspy, on March 11, Bittrex subsidiary Bittrex International announced the launch of the IEO platform.
South Korean startup RAID provides 17 billion XRDs for IEO, starting at 9:00 on March 15th. Bit Shix CEO Bill Shihara said: "We are excited about this IEO and look forward to helping more similar innovation teams connect with users and build their platforms in the future."
6.【分析 | 隨著ICO投資者需求枯竭,以太坊推文數量減少66%】
6. [Analysis | With the exhaustion of ICO investor demand, Ethereum's tweets decreased by 66% (ETH)]
According to TheTIE analysis, the number of ETF and ICO tweets is very relevant. The correlation coefficient between the number of Ethereum and Bitcoin tweets is 0.64, the correlation coefficient between the initial token issuance and the number of bitcoin tweets is 0.24, but between Ethereum and the initial tokens. The correlation coefficient is as high as 0.80.
Beginning in mid-2018, the topic surrounding Ethereum has also decreased significantly, which is consistent with the downward trend in the initial token issuance demand. As the demand for initial token issuers has dried up, the number of Tweets in Ethereum has also decreased by 66%.
7.【公告 | BTT(BitTorrent)3月份空投已經發放完畢】
BitTorrent 基金會發布公告表示,BTT(BitTorrent)3月份空投已經全部發送完畢,本次總計空投總量爲990,000,000BTT,所有波場TRON主網中擁有TRX的地址均可獲得對應比例空投的BTT,無需進行任何操作,無論凍結與非凍結皆可獲得空投。BitTorrent基金會創始人孫宇晨表示下一次空投將在4月11日進行。
7. [Announcement | BTT (BitTorrent) Airdrops have been issued in March (BTT)]
The BitTorrent Foundation announced that the BTT (BitTorrent) airdrops have all been sent in March. The total number of airdrops in this round is 990,000,000 BTT. All the TRX addresses in the TRON main network can obtain the BTT corresponding to the airdrop. Any operation, air freeze and non-freeze can be obtained. Sun Yuchen, founder of the BitTorrent Foundation, said the next airdrop will be held on April 11.
8.【動態 | 以太坊AirDrop薅羊毛攻擊再現 數十個智能合約被攻擊】
今天下午13:19,PeckShield安全盾風控平台監測到0x84ec開頭的以太坊帳號先後對FOMO Lightning、MC2 COSMOS等29個遊戲、Token合約進行了AirDrop空投攻擊,以薅羊毛的方式持續獲利。※小編附註:薅(ㄏㄠ):拔除之意。
8. [Dynamic | Ethereum AirDrop薅 wool attack reproduction dozens of smart contracts are attacked (ETH)]
At 13:19 this afternoon, the PeckShield Security Shield Wind Control Platform monitored the Ethereum account at the beginning of 0x84ec and conducted AirDrop airdrop attacks on 29 games and Token contracts such as FOMO Lightning and MC2 COSMOS, and continued to profit from the wool. ※ Xiaobian notes: 薅 (ㄏㄠ): meaning of removal.
PeckShield security personnel analysis found that the attacker created a control contract starting with 0x42fe at 13:19 today, and then deployed the corresponding attack contract for each target game to successfully implement the attack.
This kind of attack was disclosed and named by PeckShield when the FOMO3D phenomenon-level game was popular last year. The continuous attack behavior today shows that the attacker has been searching for potential targets and making attacks. The PeckShield team reminds project developers to pay attention. And fix the vulnerability in time to avoid unnecessary loss of digital assets.
9.【分析 | 加密資産總市值若突破20均線壓制 牛市或將啓動】
9. [Analysis | If the total market value of crypto assets breaks through 20 EMA, the bull market will start]
Golden Financial Analyst: The following picture shows the current market value of the total market capitalization of crypto assets. It can be seen from the figure that since January 18, the price of digital currency such as Bitcoin mainstream currency has fallen sharply, and the total market value of cryptocurrency has been shrinking. , has been suppressed by the weekly 20 moving average.
At present, the total market value is close to the trend line. Compared with the previous bear market trend, we can see that the total market value has tried to break through the downward trend line of the 20-day moving average of the weekly line, but it has failed. Then the total market value has entered 31 weeks. The turbulence of the day is bottoming out.
During the period, the total market value successfully broke through the 20-day moving average and returned to confirm, and once again broke through, it has been running above the 20-EMA and opened the slow-moving trend of the encrypted digital currency market.
At present, the total market value has also broken through the 20-average line for three consecutive times. The high probability will enter the bottom consolidation range in the late stage. The total market value will also be able to break through the average line and start the next bull market. It is suggested that the total market value will drop to 18 years and December. Additional positions can be added when the low is low.
10.【動態 | 19家公司正在使用XRP進行跨境支付】
這19家公司分別爲:Euro Exim Bank、Bittrex、Bitso、Coins.ph、Bitstamp、Cuallix、Mercury FX、Catalyst、SBI Virtual Currencies、IDT、Viamericas、SendFriend、FlashFX、Arrington Capital、Bitrue、JNFX、FTCS、Transpaygo、R3。
10. [Dynamic | 19 companies are using XRP for cross-border payment (XRP)]
According to fxstreet, 19 companies announced that they are using or planning to use XRP for cross-border payments, four of which are cryptocurrency exchanges.
11.【聲音 | 洪蜀甯:閃電網絡面臨技術經濟多種問題 唯獨沒有去中心化的問題】
11. [Sound | Hong Weining: Lightning Network faces many problems in the technical economy. There is no problem of decentralization (Lightning Network)]
According to some netizens, the lightning network seems to be the only place that can be attacked. It is not enough to “decentralize”. Hong Weining, dean of the Jinqiu Blockchain Research Institute, replied that the lightning network has many problems, technical and economic. But there is no decentralization problem.
The problems facing the lightning network are:
(1) If you do not monitor the data on the chain, you may be maliciously shut down the channel and steal funds.
(2) The risk that the hot wallet private key will be hacked for a long time.
(3) Repeat the use of the same private key signature to increase the possibility of cracking.
(4) Reuse of payment channels has the risk of privacy breaches.
(5) It may cause the main chain transaction to decrease, damage the interests of miners, and lead to the risk of insufficient computing power.
Subsequently, Hong Weining re-issued Weibo, saying that these problems of the lightning network are normal and cannot be completely solved. This is the sacrifice that has to be made for decentralization and high performance.
The above is the currency diary that I spent 150 minutes to organize for you today. I hope you will like it. If you like my sharing, please don’t hesitate to follow me and thank you!
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