1.【動態 | 以太坊核心開發人員退出以太坊社區】
以太坊核心開發人員Afri Schoedon發布推文稱:“我沒有退出社交媒體,我是退出了以太坊。我只是離開了社區。我不再協調硬分叉、構建測試網或以其他方式做出貢獻。
1.【 Dynamic | Ethereum core developers exit Ethereum Community】
Ethereum core developer Afri Schoedon posted a tweet saying: "I didn't quit social media, I quit Ethereum. I just left the community. I no longer coordinate hard forks, build test nets or contribute in other ways. .
I have not worked in Polkadot, I have never done it before, I have worked in Ethereum. I have never hated Ethereum, I like it. ”
Schoedon said that in addition to his work on the Parity Ethereum client, all his contributions, including coordination hard forks, have not been paid since 2015.
In addition, if anyone has a very important, exciting project with no tokens, you can email him.
Schoedon said he cares about radical decentralization and privacy enhancement projects, data, security and empowerment.
According to a report by coindesk, Schoedon has withdrawn from the social media platform due to criticism from netizens and will no longer directly answer public requests or general technical questions.
2.【動態 | BTC可以通過閃電網絡在Twitter上實現小額支付】
據bitcoinist消息,新的Chrome和Firefox浏覽器擴展程序允許比特幣(BTC)通過閃電網絡在Twitter上實現小額支付,Tippin.me使用比特幣的第二層擴展解決方案——閃電網絡(Lightning Network),幾乎可以瞬間完成小額支付,而且收取的費用非常低。
2. Dynamic | BTC can implement micropayment (BTC) on Twitter via lightning network
According to bitcoinist news, the new Chrome and Firefox browser extensions allow Bitcoin (BTC) to make small payments on Twitter via Lightning Network, and Tippin.me uses Bitcoin's second-tier extension solution - Lightning Network The micropayment can be completed almost instantaneously, and the fee charged is very low.
3.【聲音 | 媒體:V神持有約500萬美元的BCH,BTC,DOGE和ZEC,約爲ETH數額的10%】
據trustnodes消息,以太坊聯合創始人V神(Vitalik Buterin)透露,他持有的BCH、BTC、DOGE、ZEC約占自身ETH數額的10%,大概是按照這個特定順序排列的。
他還持有KNC, MKR,OMG,,REP,總價值也小于持有ETH的10%。
3.【 Sound | Media: V God holds approximately $5 million in BCH, BTC, DOGE and ZEC, approximately 10% of the ETH amount】
According to trustnodes, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin revealed that his holdings of BCH, BTC, DOGE, and ZEC accounted for about 10% of his ETH's amount, presumably in this particular order.
He also holds KNC, MKR, OMG, and REP, and the total value is also less than 10% of the ETH.
In addition, he is a shareholder of Clearmatics and Starkware.
V God said that he has received a salary from the Ethereum Foundation in the past 12 months. In addition, he has obtained an unspecified amount from the company's "consultant token".
StarkWare received $4 million in funding in 2018, and it is unclear whether V God is a StarkWare shareholder when the money was awarded, but he has 350,000 ETHs worth about $50 million.
This means that he holds BCH, bitcoin, dogecoin and zcash worth less than $5 million, plus $5 million in KNC, MKR, OMG and Augur.
4.【動態 | 2019全球加密貨幣用戶量:南非排第一 泰國第二】
4. 【Dynamic | 2019 global cryptocurrency users: South Africa ranked first Thailand second】
According to the Bangkok Post, according to the 2019 Global Digital Report, Internet users with cryptocurrency accounted for 10.7% of South Africa, ranking first, and Thailand ranked second with 9.9%. The third is Indonesia, with a 9.5% share. The global average is 5.5%.
5.【動態 | LocalBitcoins比特幣美元交易量飙漲4倍創曆史新高】
據Coin Dance數據顯示,熱門場外比特幣交易平台LocalBitcoins上的美元交易量達到曆史最高水平。在截至2月16日的一周內,LocalBitcoins的美元交易量超過了3150萬美元,幾乎是前一周交易量(840萬美元)的四倍。
5.【Dynamic | LocalBitcoins Bitcoin dollar trading volume soared 4 times to record high】
According to Coin Dance data, the dollar trading volume on the popular off-exchange bitcoin trading platform LocalBitcoins reached the highest level in history. In the week ending February 16, LocalBitcoins' dollar trading volume exceeded $31.5 million, almost four times the previous week's trading volume ($8.4 million).
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