




1. Dynamic | Payment platform Finablr announces the use of Ripple payment service

According to tradearabia, Finablr, the global payment and foreign exchange solutions platform, announced that its brands, the UAE and Unimoni, will use the RippleNet service. The company said it will use Ripple's blockchain-based platform for real-time, seamless cross-border transactions and expand its business to other countries. Earlier in December 2018, Reuters reported that Finablr announced that it will cooperate with Ripple in the first quarter of 2019.

2.聲音 | 江卓爾:比特幣Core下一目標是增發比特幣 修改2100萬上限停止減半



Feng Yi 點評:那為什麼是江卓爾出來講比特幣核心的目標呢?嗅到滿滿的套路。

2. [Sound | Jiang Zall: The next goal of Bitcoin Core is to issue additional bitcoin. Modify the 21 million cap to stop halving]

Jiang Zhuoer just released Weibo said that the next goal of Bitcoin Core is to issue additional bitcoin, modify its upper limit of 21 million, and stop halving. Jiang Zhuoer said, don't feel ridiculous. This is the result of a step-by-step, step-by-step error after the expansion. Under the 1M block capacity limit, the miners' income has dropped sharply, and soon it is not enough to protect the system.

At the same time, he stressed that we should not feel that it is impossible to succeed. When Core opposed the expansion of the block in 2013, we also felt ridiculous and impossible to succeed. There is a plan to expand the capacity of Nakamoto, and there are rational forces such as Gavin and miners. Who will agree to not expand?

Feng Yi Comments: So why is Jiang Zhuers goal of talking about the core of Bitcoin? The skill of speech, smelling a full trap.

3.聲音 | 趙長鵬:幣安的信用卡支付功能不是爲和Coinbase競爭


Fundstrat聯合創始人Thomas Lee在趙長鵬推特下評論,交易所提供的法幣交易通道對於構建加密世界基礎設施至關重要,並且有助於使加密貨幣更具實用性,幫助其成爲一個資産類別。

Feng Yi 點評:BNB利多連出,是驢是馬遛遛看.

3. [Sound | Zhao Changpeng: The credit card payment function of the coin is not to compete with Coinbase]

According to bravenewcoin, the competition between Coinbase and Coinbase will be further upgraded with the opening of the credit card payment function. Zhao Changpeng commented that it is not competition, but only provides more choices to promote the development of the industry.

Fundstrat co-founder Thomas Lee commented on Zhao Changpeng's Twitter that the exchange of legal currency channels provided by the exchange is critical to building an encrypted world infrastructure and helps make cryptocurrency more useful and helps it become an asset class.

Feng Yi Comments: BNB full of interest news is frequently released, is it a donkey ? Still a horse? guess!

4.聲音 | Thomas Lee:九大積極因素將推動加密貨幣價格在2019年上漲

Fundstrat的聯合創始人Thomas Lee推特發布加密貨幣2019年展望報告。報告認爲,加密貨幣的價格會在2019年出現上漲,並從宏觀層面、技術分析、法定加密貨幣流入、區塊鏈技術發展、股權趨勢變化等維度列舉九個推動加密貨幣價格上漲的積極因素。

4. [Sound | Thomas Lee: Nine positive factors will push cryptocurrency prices up in 2019]

Fundstrat's co-founder Thomas Lee Twitter released a 2019 outlook report on cryptocurrency. The report believes that the price of cryptocurrency will rise in 2019, and enumerates nine positive factors driving the price increase of cryptocurrency from the macro level, technical analysis, legal cryptocurrency inflow, blockchain technology development, and equity trend change.

5.金色晨訊 | ICE主席Jeff Sprecher:預計Bakkt在今年晚些時候推出

(1) ICE主席Jeff Sprecher:預計Bakkt在今年晚些時候推出

(2)Joseph Young:監管的不透明阻礙了加密技術的迅速發展

(3)BlockTower Capital聯合創始人Ari Paul:比特幣不太可能被快速、功能豐富的加密資産取代



(6)石墨烯協議位列十大區塊鏈協議首位 Ethereum排第二


(8)Bakkt收購Rosenthal Collins集團

(9)Google Play發現一款竊取用戶加密貨幣的惡意應用程序

5. [Golden Morning News | ICE Chairman Jeff Sprecher: Bakkt is expected to be launched later this year]

(1) ICE Chairman Jeff Sprecher: Expected to launch Bakkt later this year

(2) Joseph Young: Regulatory opacity hinders the rapid development of encryption technology

(3) Ari Paul, co-founder of BlockTower Capital: Bitcoin is unlikely to be replaced by fast, feature-rich cryptographic assets

(4) Cobra Cobra: People who often speak on social media will not threaten Bitcoin

(5) Israeli cryptocurrency entrepreneurs argue that investors have no ownership of investment companies

(6) Graphene Protocol ranks first in the top ten blockchain agreements Ethereum ranks second

(7) Venezuela's 2018 P2P bitcoin transactions surpass Canada and India

(8) Bakkt acquires Rosenthal Collins Group

(9) Google Play finds a malicious application that steals user cryptocurrency

6.動態 | Google Play發現一款竊取用戶加密貨幣的惡意應用程序

arstechnica消息,研究人員周五表示,Google Play發現一款惡意應用程序,該應用程序旨在從不知情的用戶終端那裡竊取加密貨幣。Eset的一名研究人員在一篇博客文章中說,這款惡意軟件僞裝成一款合法的加密貨幣應用程序,其工作原理是將複制到Android剪貼板上的錢包地址替換爲攻擊者的一個。因此,那些打算使用該應用將加密貨幣轉入自己選擇的錢包的人,會把錢存入攻擊者的錢包地址。

6. [Dynamic | Google Play found a malicious application that steals user cryptocurrencies]

According to arstechnica, researchers said on Friday that Google Play found a malicious application designed to steal cryptocurrencies from unsuspecting user terminals. A researcher at Eset said in a blog post that the malware is disguised as a legitimate cryptocurrency application that works by replacing the wallet address copied to the Android clipboard with one of the attackers. Therefore, those who intend to use the app to transfer cryptocurrencies to their chosen wallet will deposit the money into the attacker's wallet address.

7.聲音 | 趙長鵬:爲減少詐騙項目數量預計將提高上幣費

據幣安官方消息,幣安首席執行官趙長鵬在一個視頻問答活動(AMA)中表示,爲減少詐騙項目數量,幣安去中心化交易所Binance DEX將提高上幣費,預計近10萬美元。

7. [Sound | Zhao Changpeng: In order to reduce the number of fraudulent projects, it is expected to increase the cost of the currency]

According to the official news of the currency security, Zhao Changpeng, CEO of the currency security company, said in a video question and answer activity (AMA) that in order to reduce the number of fraudulent projects, the currency-based centralized exchange Binance DEX will raise the foreign currency fee, which is expected to be nearly 100,000 US dollars.



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