2019/1/25 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant
1.【金色晨訊 | CBOE撤回掛牌交易Vaneck比特幣ETF的申請 英國FCA計劃監管證券型代幣及穩定幣】
(7)美國政府正式將州際在線賭博定爲非法 或將影響加密投注平台。
1.【[Golden Morning News | CBOE withdraws the application for the listing of Vaneck Bitcoin ETF. The UK FCA plans to supervise securities-type tokens and stable coins】
(1) CEO of VanEck: The US government shut down to derail the Bitcoin ETF negotiations.
(2) The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) withdrew the application for the listing of the Vaneck Bitcoin ETF.
(3) The Italian Senate approved the draft amendments to the blockchain.
(4) The UK FCA program regulates securities-type tokens and stable currencies.
(5) The Dutch bank launched the cryptocurrency storage tool “Wallie”.
(6) Swiss National Bank President: Swiss Franc will not be replaced by digital currency.
(7) The US government officially makes interstate online gambling illegal or will affect the encryption betting platform.
(8) IBM CEO: Over-regulation can hurt the entire digital economy.
(9) The Bank of Pennsylvania and the Securities Department of the United States denied that the cryptocurrency is a currency.
2.【動態 | 三星新型手機將提供加密貨幣錢包】
據CNN報道,三星內部工作人員Gregory Blake發布了配備原生比特幣錢包的新Galaxy S10型號的圖片。該機有一個名爲“三星區塊鏈密鑰商店”的集成功能,使用戶可以完全控制他們的私鑰和加密資金。
2. [Dynamic | Samsung's new mobile phone will provide cryptocurrency wallet]
According to CNN, Samsung internal staff Gregory Blake released a picture of the new Galaxy S10 model with a native bitcoin wallet. The machine has an integrated feature called "Samsung Blockchain Key Store" that gives users full control over their private keys and encrypted funds.
Once the blockchain key store is authenticated and enabled on the device, the user can send and receive cryptocurrencies using the encrypted wallet on the mobile phone.
According to Gregory's screenshot, Ethereum is the only supported cryptocurrency on the device, probably because the phone is still a prototype. However, one of the images appears to be bitcoin, so it may be possible to support more cryptocurrencies at the time of publication.
3.【聲音 | VanEck首席執行官:美國政府關閉使比特幣ETF談判脫軌】
VanEck首席執行官Jan van Eck周三在CNBC上表示,VanEck正在與美國證券交易委員會(SEC)討論比特幣相關的保管、市場操縱和價格問題,SEC受到了美國政府關閉的影響,因此這“必須停止”。
3. [Voice | CEO of VanEck: US Government Closes Derailment of Bitcoin ETF Negotiations]
VanEck CEO Jan van Eck said on CNBC on Wednesday that VanEck is discussing bitcoin-related custody, market manipulation and price issues with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has been affected by the closure of the US government, so this must be stopped. ".
VanEck simply pulled the application down instead of trying to get it through, and VanEck will resubmit the application and discuss it with the SEC after the SEC resumes work.
The CEO said that VanEck has a fairly reliable answer to the concerns of regulators about the custody and the price of bitcoin, just to prove it to regulators. VanEck tried to do this, but apparently could not hold a meeting when the government department closed.
4.【動態 | Blockchain.com推出加密資産教育服務】
據bitcoin.com報道,加密貨幣錢包提供商Blockchain.com宣布推出名爲Blockchain Primers的新服務,旨在爲每個加密資産提供相對簡潔的介紹以及最新的市場數據和分析,供不太熟悉加密資産的人士使用。
4.【Dynamic | Blockchain.com launches encryption asset education service】
According to bitcoin.com, cryptocurrency wallet provider Blockchain.com announced a new service called Blockchain Primers, which aims to provide a relatively brief introduction to each cryptographic asset as well as the latest market data and analysis for less familiar with cryptographic assets. People use.
5.【動態 | 近日出現假冒Coinbase官方的詐騙郵件】
5.【[Dynamic | Recently appeared fake Coinbase official scam email】
According to the bitcoinexchangeguide report, Reddit users said that there has recently been a fake Coinbase official email, and Coinbase users need to be wary of this scam. It is reported that fake emails claim that Coinbase will be maintained in the next seven days, and all blockchains supported by Coinbase may be offline. During this time, users should transfer funds to several "private wallets" provided in the email. The email claimed that Coinbase would not be responsible for users who did not deposit funds into the freezer. Once the "maintenance" is completed, the user can withdraw the funds.
6.【聲音 | ChainUP CEO鍾庚發:交易所和錢包仍然是未來産品入口】
今日,ChainUP與Node Capital在新加坡聯合主辦了VIP新年遊輪分享會。
6.【Sound | ChainUP CEO Zhong Gengfa: Exchanges and wallets are still the future product entry】
Today, ChainUP and Node Capital jointly hosted the VIP New Year Cruises Sharing Conference in Singapore.
The event invited 15 exchanges, 10 investment institutions, 10 high-quality blockchain companies, and 5 well-known media to gather together to exchange ideas and industry opportunities for the new year to discuss the bear market transaction. New opportunities for survival and development.
Zhong Gengfa, founder and CEO of ChainUP, said that 2019 will be a protracted war. From the cyclical performance of industry development, it is expected that it will take some time to recover, but exchanges and wallets are still the future product imports.
In the past year, ChainUP has gained a lot of money and launched a complete solution for the industry chain. The internationalization is progressing rapidly. In the new year, ChainUP will continue to expand into the global market, with the vision of “becoming the most trusted financial technology company in the world” and continue for customers. Create value.
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