
2019/1/ 23    新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant


1.聲音 | eToro分析師:50%的人認爲比特幣的下跌是因爲某種形式的操縱。

eToro分析師Mati GreenspanTwitter上詢問周日比特幣在一小時內下跌了5.85%是因爲什麽,其中,近50%回答者認爲比特幣的下跌是因爲某種形式的操縱。

1.Sound | eToro analysts: 50% believe that Bitcoin's decline is due to some form of manipulation.

eToro analyst Mati Greenspan asked Twitter on Sunday why Bitcoin fell 5.85% in an hour, of which nearly 50% of respondents believe Bitcoin's decline is due to some form of manipulation.

2.聲音 | 趙長鵬:Binance Chain測試網將於23周後上線

據火星財經報道,在今日新加坡舉行的幣安峰會上,幣安CEO趙長鵬透露,幣安公鏈Binance Chain的測試網路將在兩、三周後推出,屆時幣安現有生態系統將得到巨大提升。趙長鵬表示,Binance Chain將達到每秒産生一個新區塊,可以實現即時交易,上線後可實現電商、支付等交易需求。此外,幣安的去中心化交易所Binance DEX也將在鏈上運行。

2. Sound | Zhao Changpeng: Binance Chain test network will go online after 2 or 3 weeks

According to Mars Finance, at the China Dollar Summit held in Singapore today, Chan Changs CEO Zhao Changpeng revealed that the test network of the Binan Chain will be launched in two or three weeks, when the existing ecosystem of the currency security will be greatly improved. . Zhao Changpeng said that Binance Chain will generate a new block per second, which can realize real-time transactions, and can realize e-commerce, payment and other transaction needs after going online. In addition, the currency decentralized exchange Binance DEX will also run on the chain.

3.聲音 | 火幣於佳甯:比特幣在全球構建了一個無人值守的銀行


3. Sound | Fire coins in Jianing: Bitcoin builds an unattended bank around the world

At the roundtable forum of the first China Blockchain Industry Economic Development Annual Meeting held today, Yu Jianing, the president of the University of Fire Coin and the former director of the Industrial Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that most people need a certain time to accept the blockchain. With the further deepening of the industry, a large number of blockchain technologies have been applied. He believes that the blockchain is subverting the traditional banking financial system, and Bitcoin has built an unmanned bank around the world.

4.動態 | CCN3.2萬億美元的比特幣交易量不包括場外交易

Satoshi Capital Research的研究人員在推特表示,比特幣2018年的網路表現與前幾年相比:總交易額2.2萬億美元,第一層總交易額爲3.2萬億美元,同比增長2.91%。對此,CCN表示,3.2萬億美元的比特幣交易量不包括場外交易(OTC),據說場外交易的交易量大於交易所的交易量。

4.Dynamic | CCN: 3.2 trillion US dollars of bitcoin trading volume does not include over-the-counter trading

Researchers at Satoshi Capital Research said on Twitter that Bitcoin's online performance in 2018 was compared to previous years: total transaction volume was $2.2 trillion, and first-tier total transaction volume was $3.2 trillion, up 2.91% year-on-year. . In this regard, CCN said that the $3.2 trillion bitcoin transaction volume does not include over-the-counter (OTC) trading, and it is said that the volume of over-the-counter trading is greater than the trading volume of the exchange.

5.聲音 | 陳偉星:區塊鏈的設計不在於功能有多豐富而在於是否能做到防止作弊、建立信任









5.Sound | Chen Weixing: The design of blockchain is not about how rich the function is, but whether it can prevent cheating and build trust.

Pan Weichengs Chen Weixing said on Weibo today that the blockchain is the legislative technology of the digital age:

(1) A good law does not lie in how beautiful the writing is, nor in how rich the content is, but whether its logic is accurate and whether it can punish the evil and carry out the good;

(2) The design of blockchain, like the law of the digital age, does not lie in how rich the function is, nor how large the system is, but whether it can prevent cheating and build trust;

(3) Blockchain entrepreneurs, not only knowing technology, but also knowing the law, understanding finance, and understanding politics, can invent and design laws in the digital age, and can effectively organize human order in the digital age;

(4) Although Bitcoin is a blockchain application that looks very simple, it conforms to the design characteristics of the blockchain and is a very beautiful "digital law" based on computer language;

(5) Just because the blockchain is the legislative technology of the digital age, it is its sole mission to prevent evil and encourage good deeds, and it is not tolerant of evil;

(6) The legislation on the blockchain, that is, the algorithm design of punishing evil and promoting goodness, is not an easy task. Therefore, entrepreneurs, regulators, media, experts and scholars are needed to distinguish between good and evil and jointly promote the means of execution. ;

(7) The fraudulent practices of this world are not necessarily terminally ill. In the face of beautiful technology, it may be as simple as building a sewer pipe to discharge domestic garbage. Human society has jumped out of the historical cycle of mutual fraud and towards a world of creation and cooperation, which is more optimistic than most people imagine.

6.聲音 | BitcoinistBTC價值達到1000萬美元時可解決全球的債務問題

bitcoinist刊發文章,根據國際金融研究所(Institute of International Finance)的數據全球債務約爲247萬億美元,財富約爲317萬億美元,在過去的20年裡,債務增加了394%,而財富只增加了133%。對於當前的債務問題,人們提出了五種可能的解決方案,比特幣標準的崛起是其中之一。當比特幣價值1,000萬美元,可以爲世界提供一種穩定的儲備貨幣,不會出現通貨膨脹或通貨緊縮,它將取代主權貨幣,並代表最終的“價值儲存手段”。而首先要實現BTC價格達到100萬美元,開發人員必須交付承諾的速度、透明度和成本;機構必須完全接受比特幣;全球監管機構必須確定,比特幣是一個獨立於其他任何加密貨幣的實體。這時,它將成爲重要的資産,即使是最保守的機構也不能再忽視它,之後BTC將最終達到1000萬美元。

6.Sound | Bitcoinist: BTC can solve global debt problems when it reaches $10 million

Bitcoinist published an article. According to the Institute of International Finance, the global debt is about $247 trillion, and the wealth is about $317 trillion. In the past 20 years, debt has increased by 394%, while wealth. Only increased by 133%. For the current debt problem, five possible solutions have been proposed, and the rise of the Bitcoin standard is one of them. When Bitcoin is worth $10 million, it can provide the world with a stable reserve currency without inflation or deflation. It will replace sovereign currency and represent the ultimate "value storage means." First, to achieve a BTC price of $1 million, developers must deliver the speed, transparency, and cost of commitment; organizations must fully accept Bitcoin; global regulators must determine that Bitcoin is an entity independent of any other cryptocurrency. At this time, it will become an important asset, and even the most conservative institutions can no longer ignore it, after which BTC will eventually reach 10 million US dollars.

7.金色晨訊 | 馬來西亞出台15項加密貨幣監管政策 比特大陸將回歸核心業務


(2)馬來西亞出台15項新舉措 加密貨幣行業將受到監管。





(7)比特大陸:擴張存在問題 將回歸核心業務實現精細化運營。




7.Golden Morning News | Malaysia introduces 15 cryptocurrency regulatory policies Bitmain will return to core business

(1) Bank for International Settlements: Bitcoin must be separated from PoW.

(2) 15 new initiatives in Malaysia The cryptocurrency industry will be regulated.

(3) Russia is targeting cryptocurrencies or will pass the regulatory sandbox bill.

(4) Wyoming will become the first state in the United States to provide digital asset licensing for banks.

(5) Japan and Singapore were selected as the top ten friendly countries of blockchain startups.

(6) The Korean government uses the blockchain to electronically issue various certificates.

(7) Bit Continental: There is a problem with expansion. It will return to the core business to achieve refined operations.

(8) Bitfinex responds to the theft of information: confirm that the platform has no security holes.

(9) Podcast host: The US government is closing or an opportunity for BTC.

(10) Monroe developers first talked about Grin: not afraid to be replaced.


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