2018/12/20 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant
1.【動態 | Trade.io推出外彙交易服務 以加密貨幣作爲交易基礎貨幣】
此前消息,該公司于11月初收購了受英國金融行爲監管局(FCA)監管的外匯公司Primus Capital。
1. [Dynamic | Trade.io launches foreign exchange trading service with cryptocurrency as the base currency for trading]
Recent news: According to the Bitcoinexchangeguide report,
Trade.io, a blockchain trading platform based in Zug, will launch a new foreign exchange portfolio on December 27, 2018.
The platform will launch 130 foreign exchange and CFD trading products.
Including precious metals, petroleum, commodities, global stocks, etc., the cryptocurrency will be the base currency for foreign exchange transactions.
Earlier, the company acquired Primus Capital, a foreign exchange company regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in early November.
2.【動態 | 比特幣空頭交易員昨天宣布停止比特幣做空】
據ccn消息,前國際貨幣基金組織經濟學家和法羅高級風險交易員 Mark Dow曾于比特幣最高點19,511美元時開始做空,當時他認爲比特幣不會維持其增長,價格也會下滑。直到12月18日,Dow在推特上宣布停止比特幣做空,他表示今年已經收獲兩次利潤,現在最終決定停止做空,但他並未評論這是否是因爲他看漲。
2. [Dynamic | Bitcoin short trader announced yesterday to stop bitcoin shorting]
According to ccn, former IMF economist and Faro senior risk trader Mark Dow began shorting at the highest point of Bitcoin at $19,511, when he believed that Bitcoin would not sustain its growth and prices would fall. Until December 18, Dow announced on Twitter that he would stop bitcoin shorting. He said that he had already earned two profits this year and now decided to stop shorting, but he did not comment whether it was because he was bullish.
3.【分析 | BTC交易額連續三日增加 多空頭占比再次大幅上升9%】
據TokenInsight數據顯示,反映區塊鏈行業整體表現的TI指數北京時間12月19日8時報339.56點,較昨日同期上漲16.0點,漲幅爲4.95%。此外,在TokenInsight密切關注的28個細分行業中,24小時內漲幅最高的爲去中心化交易所行業,漲幅爲25.95%;24小時內跌幅最高的爲信息技術服務應用行業,跌幅爲12.11%。 另據監測顯示,BTC全球交易額連續三日增加,較前日再次上升3.92%;全網轉賬數較前日上升1.98%至28萬,回歸活躍線上方。BCtrend分析師Jeffrey認爲,目前全球多空頭占比較昨日再次大幅上升9%至1.05,短期反彈趨勢或將延續。
3. [Analysis | BTC transaction volume increased for three consecutive days, and the proportion of long and short positions increased by 9% again]
According to TokenInsight data, the TI index reflecting the overall performance of the blockchain industry reported 339.56 points at 8:00 on December 19, an increase of 16.0 points or 4.95% from the same period of last year. In addition, among the 28 sub-sectors closely watched by TokenInsight, the highest increase in 24 hours was for the decentralized exchange industry, which was 25.95%; the highest decline in 24 hours was for the information technology service application industry, with a decline of 12.11%. According to monitoring, the global transaction volume of BTC increased for three consecutive days, up 3.92% from the previous day; the number of transfers across the network increased by 1.98% to 280,000 from the previous day, returning above the active line. BCtrend analyst Jeffrey believes that the current global short-selling share has risen sharply by 9% to 1.05 yesterday, and the short-term rebound trend may continue.
4.【動態 | 瑞士金融市場監管機構FINMA批准瑞士Dukascopy銀行ICO發行】
4. [Dynamic | Swiss financial market regulator FINMA approves the release of ICO of Dukascopy Bank of Switzerland]
According to financemagnates, Dukascopy said today that it has become the first Swiss bank to receive ICO approval from FINMA, the Swiss financial market regulator. This approval will allow Geneva-based retail forex brokers to publicly sell their own cryptocurrency Dukascoin by early March 2019. Prior to this, Dukascopy had not finalized the ICO environment but passed the audit and bounty tests, although it was informed by FINMA that there were no further regulatory obstacles.
5.【金色晨訊 | 央行軟件開發商兩年已注冊78項數字貨幣專利 前海利用區塊鏈技術開展跨行業失信數據共享】
5. [Golden morning news] Central bank software developers have registered 78 digital currency patents for two years. Qianhai uses blockchain technology to carry out cross-industry data loss sharing]
1. Qianhai uses blockchain technology to develop cross-industry data loss
2. Central bank software developers have registered 78 digital currency patents for two years
3. Hong Kong launches the first cryptocurrency payment platform CSPay
4. Australian regulators are enacting laws to effectively regulate cryptocurrencies
5. German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority: ICO products are “special challenges”
6. 40,000 people in Saratov, Russia participate in blockchain elections
7. US retail giant Target accepts BTC through Fold
8. After the bitcoin difficulty is lowered, the ant T9 can be turned on again.
9.RnF will launch blockchain bank in Malta
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