
2018/12/17  新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant 


1.【現場 | 江卓爾:比特幣要獲取更多用戶 人們對比特幣有“升值”需求】

金色財經現場報導,在今天香港舉辦的全球區塊鏈開發者大會 GBDC 2018上,江卓爾指出,比特幣做不到一統天下,不同的環境和市場需求使得各個幣種都能存在,滿足市場需求的幣將獲得更多客戶。智能合約、第二層網絡、穩定幣將有巨大的發展。比特幣若不做改進將逐步落後,都說比特幣穩定爲先,用戶購買比特幣真正需要的不是儲值需求,是“升值”需求。這樣才能獲得更多的用戶。

1.[Site | Jiang Zhuoer: Bitcoin needs more users. People have “appreciation” demand for Bitcoin]

According to the Golden Finance website, at the Global Blockchain Developer Conference GBDC 2018 held in Hong Kong today, Jiang Zhuoer pointed out that Bitcoin can't be dominated by the world. Different environments and market demands can make all kinds of currencies exist to meet market demand. The currency will get more customers. Smart contracts, second-tier networks, and stable currencies will have tremendous growth. Bitcoin will gradually fall behind if it is not improved. It is said that bitcoin is stable first. What users really need to buy bitcoin is not the stored value demand, but the "appreciation" demand. This will get more users.

2.【金色晨訊 | 馬耳他將在明年推出新法規監管加密貨幣行業 歐洲委員會:呼籲引入區塊鏈技術時遵守歐洲立法】




4.Thoma Bravo或將收購安全軟件公司McAfee,估值高於42億美元




8.Ripple首席執行官:數字資産有助於解決金融包容性問題,中央銀行傾向於進入這個領域 9.BM:認爲steem的模式更加合理因其第21個區塊生産者是輪換的

2. [Golden Morning News | Malta will launch new regulations to regulate the cryptocurrency industry next year. European Commission: Call for European legislation in the introduction of blockchain technology]

(1) Malta will introduce new regulations to regulate the cryptocurrency industry next year

(2) European Commission: Calls on relevant parties to establish rules to ensure compliance with European legislation when introducing blockchain technology

3. Robinhood considers supervision and is improving marketing materials including name

4.Thoma Bravo or will acquire security software company McAfee, with a valuation above $4.2 billion

5. Israel's large financial services company GMT joins the Ripple network

6. Blockchain game platform PlayGame and Disney reached a cooperation

7. Ren Xiaobo: Blockchain technology can realize the optimization and restructuring of government organizational structure and workflow

8.Ripple CEO: Digital assets help solve financial inclusion problems, central banks tend to enter this field 9.BM: Think steem's model is more reasonable because its 21st block producer is rotating.

3.【聲音 | Ripple産品管理副總裁:加密市場大跌有助於將沒有真正做事的項目篩選出去】

據coincryptorama報導,Ripple産品管理副總裁Asheesh Birla稱,2018年加密市場的暴跌並不讓我震驚,加密市場大跌有助於將那些沒有專注於解決實際問題的項目篩選出去。區塊鏈技術應該專注於解決現實世界裡真正的問題,如果不這樣做,它就完全沒有價值。

3. [Sound | Ripple Vice President of Product Management: The crash in the encryption market helps to screen out projects that are not really doing things]

According to coincryptorama, Rheple's vice president of product management, Ashesh Birla, said that the plunging of the encryption market in 2018 did not shock me. The smashing of the encryption market helped to screen out projects that were not focused on solving practical problems. Blockchain technology should focus on solving real problems in the real world, and if you don't, it's completely worthless.

4.【聲音 | 李揮:導致當前網路空間不安全的八個主要原因】



4. [Sound | Lee Swing: Eight Main Reasons Leading to Unsafe Cyber Space]

According to the Fire News report, Li Hua, director of the Future Network Innovation Lab of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, gave a speech on the topic of “Blockchain and Network Communication Security” at the Interview of Starfire Train at the Blockchain.

He said: "The cyberspace is the fifth space of human beings after the land, sea and sky, which is of great significance and frequent security issues. The eight main reasons for the current cyberspace insecurity are: the universality of vulnerabilities, the ease of insertion of backdoors; And APP easy to spread, the passive nature of the existing defense system, the implantability of the virus Trojan; the most difficult is how to deal with 3U: unknown vulnerabilities, unknown backdoors, uncertainty of unknown attacks threat UT, and IP centralization issues ."

5.【動態 | 法國金融監管機構將四個加密貨幣網站列入黑名單】


5. [Dynamic | French financial regulators blacklist four cryptocurrency websites]

According to coincryptorama, the same agency that regulates traditional stock markets in France is responsible for regulating cryptocurrencies, which is known as the Financial Markets Regulatory Authority (AMF). The agency recently blacklisted four websites related to cryptocurrencies. The blacklisted sites are,,,



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