

Shutdown is also a disguised support plate!



1.OKEx BTC合約精英帳戶多頭佔比16.37%,空頭佔比31.16%。】




1. [[OKEx BTC contract elite account long accounted for 16.37%, short position accounted for 31.16%. 】

As of 8:00 this morning, in the OKEx Bitcoin contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 16.37%, and the short-selling average position ratio was 31.16%. The short position continued to dominate.

In the Ethereum contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio is 13.96%, and the short-selling average position ratio is 17.49%. The short positions are temporarily dominant.

The current total number of BTC contract positions is about 56,000 BTC, and the positions are slightly reduced. The total number of positions in the ETH contract is about 630,800 ETH, and the positions are slightly reduced.

2.【聲音 | 加密分析師:幣安被盜的新聞登上彭博終端機首頁,加密行業逐漸步入主流


2. [Sound | Encryption Analyst: The news of the stolen money was posted on the front page of the Bloomberg terminal, and the encryption industry gradually entered the mainstream]

Encryption analyst SuZhu said on Twitter today that the money security incident has caused us to see that the news of the encryption industry has become mainstream. The news that the money was stolen appeared on the front page of the Bloomberg terminal, and many of the news on the homepage were the movements of central banks.

3.【動態 | 趙長鵬發推感謝孫宇晨表示被盜損失將由幣安SAFU基金承擔


3. [Dynamic | Zhao Changpeng tweeted thanks to Sun Yuchen that the stolen losses will be borne by the Kanan SAFU Fund]

In response to the theft of the currency security, Sun Yuchen said that he was willing to deposit 7,000 BTC equivalent dollar support to the currency. In this regard, Zhao Changpeng expressed his gratitude and said that it is not necessary. He said that the SAF Fund will bear the loss. Although the currency security has been attacked, it has not gone bankrupt and will solve the problem as soon as possible so that everyone can deposit and withdraw money again.

4.【動態 | 僅幣安與Coinbase兩家交易所日訪問量超過40萬】

投資者和技術愛好者Kevin Rooke最近發推指出,截至目前,幣安日訪問量爲1,18萬次(4月份增長13%),Coinbase日訪問量爲93萬次(4月份增長27%) ,這兩個網站在4月份達到了7個月的訪問量高點,沒有其他交易所日訪問量超過40萬次。

4.[Dynamic | Only two exchanges of Coinbase and Coinbase have more than 400,000 daily visits]

Investor and technology enthusiast Kevin Rooke recently pointed out that as of now, the number of visits to the currency is 1.18 million (13% increase in April), and Coinbase's daily visits are 930,000 (27% increase in April) The two websites reached a seven-month high in April, and no other exchanges had more than 400,000 daily visits.

5.【聲音 | Blockchain Capital合夥人:Facebook可以將加密用戶增加一倍或三倍】

據Cointelegraph消息,加密投資公司Blockchain Capital的合夥人Spencer Bogart在接受採訪時表示,社交媒體巨頭Facebook在加密領域的努力可能會導致加密貨幣用戶數量增加一倍或兩倍。他認爲Facebook發行的代幣無論是作爲一種穩定資産還是另一種加密資産,將起到跳板的作用。

5. [Sound | Blockchain Capital Partner: Facebook can double or triple encrypted users]

According to Cointelegraph, Spencer Bogart, a partner at encryption-based investment firm Blockchain Capital, said in an interview that social media giant Facebook's efforts in encryption could double or double the number of cryptocurrency users. He believes that the tokens issued by Facebook will serve as a springboard, either as a stable asset or as another encryption asset.

6.【分析 | LEO發行主體並非Bitfinex,私募賣不掉的幣屬於Bitfinex】








(7)白皮書對回購的期限描述並非永久,而是有條件的,回購直到no tokens are in commercial circulation(無商業流通的LEO)爲止。

6. [Analysis | LEO issuer is not Bitfinex, privately sold coins are Bitfinex]

Trader AlbertTheKing sent an analysis of the white paper published by Bitfinex today, with the following important interpretations:

(1) The white paper is not legally binding;

(2) Emphasize that investment in LEO may be loss of light;

(3) The white paper has a public BFX profit, but all figures are unaudited. Moreover, the main body of the LEO is not Bitfinex or iFinex, but a newly established company. In order to clarify the responsibilities of BFX, if LEO investors have any problems in the future, they will not affect BFX/iFinex. . In addition, the newly established company has limited assets;

(4) Bitfinex is not sure if it can get back the frozen $850 million;

(5) The issuer is priced at a price of 1 usdt, but may sell it to different people at different prices;

(6) The issuer will issue 1 billion tokens, but if the private placements are not sold out, the remaining tokens are also BFX, and BFX will decide at which price to sell at any price;

(7) The white paper describes the term of the repurchase not permanently, but is conditional, until the no tokens are in commercial circulation (LEO without commercial circulation).

7.動態 | EvonSysXRP與數字流程自動化平台Pega集成

據Todays Gazette消息,EvonSys宣布已將XRP與數字流程自動化平台Pega集成,加快Ripple的XRP系統與銀行的連接。據悉,思科、可口可樂、美國運通、滙豐銀行、萬事達等全球公司都在使用Pega平台。

7. [Dynamic | EvonSys integrates XRP with digital process automation platform Pega] (XRP)

According to Todays Gazette, EvonSys announced that it has integrated XRP with the digital process automation platform Pega to speed up the connection of Ripple's XRP system to the bank. It is reported that Cisco, Coca-Cola, American Express, HSBC, MasterCard and other global companies are using the Pega platform.

8.【分析 | ETH價格可能將會反彈至198美元附近】



8. [Analysis | ETH price may rebound to around $198] (ETH)

In response to the price trend of ETH, analyst Potter said: Since ETH hit the lowest level of 80 US dollars in mid-December 18th, the overall trend has been in the rising triangle range, and each time the price of the currency touches the support of the lower triangle of the triangle, The price of the currency can usher in a wave of rebound, and as the price of the currency continues to rise, the magnitude of each wave of rebound is getting smaller and smaller. At the same time, it can be calculated by reducing the change of each increase, each new round. The increase was about 33% lower than the previous wave.

Moreover, ETH took the MA200 on the MA100 yesterday to form a golden fork. The time of the CFTC was ushered in. The internal news was ready to approve the good news of ETH futures. The price of the currency rose sharply and quickly approached before April. Today, the impact of the currency piracy in the currency The price of the next currency will once again step back to the support of 165 US dollars. According to the previous increase, the next wave of increase can be estimated to be around 19.5%. The corresponding ETH price may rebound to around 198 USD, and the last MA100. The time to wear the MA200 to form the golden fork was still in 2017 before 788 days, and then ETH also launched a round of pull-up.

9.【分析 | MACD頂部背離0軸上方二次死叉,BTC短期已走到盡頭?】



9. [Analysis | MACD top off the 0-axis above the second dead fork, BTC has come to an end in the short term? 】(BTC)

In response to the price trend of BTC, analyst Potter said: Under the influence of today's currency, the BTC quickly slid from 5950 to 5770, and then the price quickly rose to around 5900, 4 hours. BTC is still in the upward spiral of the rising wedge triangle. We can see that the BTC rushed to the upper rail of the triangle and fell back. In the news, the lowest probe hit the lower rail and quickly recovered. The 4-hour trend closed a long shadow. , indicating that the current negative has not had a significant impact on the disk.

Moreover, the message surface is basically a wave of flow, and the currency also responded that it will not have any impact on the exchange user funds. The MACD is still in a diverging trend and there is a second dead fork above the 0-axis, so there will always be one behind The wave has a large downtrend. When the follow-up indicator line falls below the 0-axis, it will confirm that the trend will enter the short-selling market. If there is a broken wedge-shaped lower track, the profit can be immediately stopped. The daily trend can refer to the 5-day line. The broken position also appeared on the sidelines.


The above is a coin diary that has been selected for three hours today. I hope you will like it. If this sharing diary helps you, please share and forward, thank you.



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