



1.OKEx比特幣合約精英帳戶多頭持倉持續超過空頭(BTC ETH)




1. [OKEx Bitcoin contract elite account long position continues to exceed the short position (BTC ETH)]

As of 8:00 am 3/24, in the OKEx Bitcoin contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 26.14%, the short-selling average position ratio was 21.17%, and the long position continued to be larger than the short position.

In the Ethereum contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 21.64%, and the short-selling average position ratio was 15.72%.

The current total number of BTC contract positions is about 87,400 BTC, and the total number of ETH contract positions is about 791,600 ETH. The BTC positions have increased compared with yesterday, and the ETH positions have decreased compared with yesterday.

2.聲音 | Shapeshift首席執行官:Shapeshift被迫實施KYC/AML策略 (交易所)

AMBCrypto消息,加密貨幣交易所Shapeshift首席執行官Erik Voorhees在接受WhatBitcoinDid採訪時談及隱私和KYC/AML規則是否能夠共存。其表示,並非我們支持,而是因爲我們本質上是被迫這樣做的。


2. [Sound | Shapeshift CEO: Shapeshift is forced to implement KYC/AML strategy (Exchange)

According to AMBCrypto, Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift, a cryptocurrency exchange, talked about what privacy and KYC/AML rules can coexist in an interview with WhatBitcoinDid. It said that it is not our support, but because we are essentially forced to do so.

It is reported that ShapeShift launched a mandatory "know your customer" and "anti-money laundering policy" last year, which led to the strong opposition of the exchange to the society.


據鏈聞消息,以太坊錢包和瀏覽器產品 Mist 正式宣布終止該項目的運營。Mist 項目創始人 Alex Van de Sande 表示,安全性問題是該團隊面臨的最大障礙。

他透露,Mist 的團隊將繼續利用之前積累的經驗幫助以太坊基金會資助的其他 DApp 團隊設計產品。

3. [Ethernet wallet and browser product Mist officially announced the termination of the project (ETH)]

According to the chain news, Ethereum wallet and browser product Mist officially announced the termination of the operation of the project. According to Alex Van de Sande, founder of the Mist project, security issues are the biggest obstacle facing the team.

He revealed that Mist's team will continue to leverage previous experience to help other DApp teams funded by the Ethereum Foundation design products.

4.Insight Chain行情調研:近四成投資者認為未來一周XLM的價格將處於橫盤震蕩的趨勢

調研鏈Insight Chain(INB)今日發布恆星幣(XLM)近期行情調研結果。

本次在Insight DApp內共收集有效問卷259份,其中30.1%的投資者認為未來一周(324日-331)恆星幣價格會緩慢上漲,但也有35.9%的投資者認為將處於橫盤震蕩的趨勢;31.7%的投資者偏好在XLM突破0.112美元時買入,24.3%的投資者偏好在XLM突破0.106美元時賣出止損。


4. [Insight Chain market research: Nearly 40% of investors believe that the price of XLM will be in a sideways trend (XLM) in the coming week]

The research chain Insight Chain (INB) today released the results of the recent market research on XXL.

A total of 259 valid questionnaires were collected in Insight DApp, of which 30.1% of investors believe that the price of stellar coins will rise slowly in the coming week (March 24 - March 31), but 35.9% of investors believe that they will be in The trend of sideways volatility; 31.7% of investors prefer to buy when XLM breaks through $0.112, and 24.3% of investors prefer to sell stop loss when XLM breaks through $0.106.

In addition, in the current operating strategy for XLM, 11.2% of investors said that they will all sell; 40.5% of investors said that they will sell partially, leaving some of the light warehouses to go up; 42.5% of investors said they will not operate, Waiting for the rise; 5.4% of investors said they would buy in a light position; 0.4% of investors said they would buy in a high position.


Cypherglass報導,Bancor最近宣布與三星新推出的Galaxy S10Galaxy S10+區塊鏈密鑰存儲系統結合。三星區塊鏈密鑰商店目前只保留以太坊,或很快會增加對比特幣和EOS等其他加密貨幣的支持。

5. [Samsung Galaxy Blockchain Key Storage System or will add support for EOS (wallet)]

According to Cypherglass, Bancor recently announced a combination with Samsung's new Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10+ blockchain key storage systems. The Samsung Blockchain Key Store currently only retains Ethereum, or will soon increase support for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and EOS.

6.Ripple首席技術官:XRP Ledger的共識算法更適合交叉貨幣系統

ambcrypto報導,Ripple公司首席技術官David Schwartz表示,XRP Ledger首先建立了“聯邦拜占庭協議模型”,與BTC的工作量證明(PoW)有很大不同,前者適合於交叉加密貨幣系統。

由於交易成本、交易速度和可擴展性等因素,XRP LedgerBTC的區塊鏈優越。 XRP Ledger可以在不到4秒的時間內處理一筆交易,而BTC需要幾分鐘到幾個小時才能完成一筆交易。

6. [Ripple CTO: XRP Ledger's consensus algorithm is more suitable for cross-currency systems (XRP)]

According to ambcrypto, Ripple Chief Technology Officer David Schwartz said that XRP Ledger first established the "Federal Byzantine Protocol Model", which is very different from the BTC's Work Proof (PoW), which is suitable for cross-cryptocurrency systems.

XRP Ledger is superior to BTC's blockchain due to factors such as transaction costs, transaction speed and scalability. XRP Ledger can process a transaction in less than 4 seconds, and BTC takes a few minutes to a few hours to complete a transaction.




7. [Terry Gou: The integration of "six streams" by technologies such as blockchain is an upgrade of smart industry (celebrity view)]

Foxconn President Guo Taiming issued a letter on Facebook saying that Taiwan's agricultural products will not break quickly, and it will rely on "six streams" and "six fast" to make a fortune.

Among them, Hon Hai Group said that six streams are information flow, technology flow, capital flow, personnel flow, material flow, process flow, big data, AI, 5G, blockchain, and various technology applications integrate six flows. The upgrading of the smart industry, Hon Hai is an industrial Internet standard enterprise, used on the agricultural Internet, the same reason.

8.fix1578已經在XRP Ledger上啟用

ripple官網博客,323日,fix1578已經在XRP Ledger上啟用。


8. [fix1578 has been enabled on XRP Ledger (XRP)]

According to the Ripple official website blog, on March 23, fix1578 has been enabled on XRP Ledger.

Miners should immediately upgrade to version 1.2.0 or higher. Failure to upgrade will result in the inability to determine the validity of the ledger; failure to submit or process transactions; failure to participate in the consensus process; no voting on future amendments; may rely on potentially invalid data.

9.聲音 | 消息人士:幣安準備提供保證金交易

The Block消息,消息人士稱,幣安正準備向客戶提供保證金交易。該服務可能需要幾個月才能完全推出。


9. [Sound | Message: The currency is ready to provide margin trading]

According to The Block, sources said that the currency is preparing to provide margin trading to customers. The service may take several months to fully roll out.

This means that the currency will allow users to borrow money to trade, although multinational regulators are seeking to ban or enforce stricter rules. The spokesman for the currency security has not yet replied to the reporter on this matter.


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