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截至3/17 早上八點,OKEx比特幣季度合約精英帳戶中,多頭平均持倉比例為21.63%、空頭平均持倉比例為25.78%,空頭持倉比例反超多頭。以太坊季度合約精英帳戶中,多頭平均持倉比例為21.18%、空頭平均持倉比例為17.20%,多頭比例仍高出空頭。當前BTC合約持倉總量約為8.74萬個BTCETH合約持倉總量約為88.46萬個ETHBTCETH的持倉量較昨日均有所增加。

1. [OKEx Bitcoin Quarterly Contract Elite Account Short Position Ratio Overtakes Multi-head]

As of 8:00 am 3/17, in the OKEx Bitcoin quarterly contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 21.63%, the short-selling average position ratio was 25.78%, and the short position ratio exceeded the long position. In the Ethereum quarterly contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 21.18%, and the short-term average position ratio was 17.20%, and the long-term ratio was still higher than the short position. The current total number of BTC contract positions is approximately 87,400 BTC, and the total number of ETH contract positions is approximately 864,600 ETH. The positions of BTC and ETH have increased compared with yesterday.


據dailyhodl報導,XRPL實驗室的創始人Wietse Wind 於3月7日發布推特稱,XRPL Labs推出針對WooCommerce項目開發人員的獎勵基金。一個半星期後,一位名叫Jesper Wallin的開發者提交了一個完整的支付網關插件,旨在讓WooCommerce用戶輕鬆接受XRP作為支付方式。

2. [Foreign media: Developer submits XRP and WooCommerce payment gateway plugin]

According to dailyhodl, the founder of XRPL Labs, Wietse Wind, released a tweet on March 7 that XRPL Labs launched a reward fund for WooCommerce project developers. A week and a half later, a developer named Jesper Wallin submitted a complete payment gateway plugin designed to make it easy for WooCommerce users to accept XRP as a payment method.

3.【動態 | 拉美電商巨頭在平台上禁止加密貨幣】



援引當地媒體CriptomoedasFácil報導,僅在巴西(MercadoLibre服務的18個國家之一 )就有超過5630個與比特幣相關的廣告和超過9320個加密貨幣相關的列表。另外,Ripple(XRP)是拉丁美洲平台上最受歡迎的加密貨幣,出現在11100多個廣告中。

3. [Dynamic | Latin American e-commerce giant prohibits cryptocurrency on the platform]

According to CCN, Latin American e-commerce giant MercadoLibre recently said that advertising related to cryptocurrencies is prohibited from entering its platform.

According to the company's email to the supplier, the prohibition also includes prepaid cards and digital currency used in the game. The measure will take effect on March 19.

Cited by local media, CriptomoedasFácil, there are more than 5,630 bitcoin-related ads and more than 9,320 cryptocurrencies in Brazil alone (one of the 18 countries served by MercadoLibre). In addition, Ripple (XRP) is the most popular cryptocurrency on the Latin American platform, appearing in more than 11,100 ads.

4.【動態 | 支持萊特幣的加密ATM本月增加台數最高】




4. [Dynamic | Encrypted ATM supporting Litecoin has the highest number of additions this month]

According to CoinATM Radar data, the total number of global encrypted ATMs increased from 4291 to 4387 in February.

This month, encrypted ATMs supporting Litecoin added 120 machines, from 2,775 to 2,895.

The second most important additions are Bitcoin, ETH and DASH.

5.【分析 | 比特幣和美元的負相關性來看,或也預示著回暖趨勢】




5. [Analysis | The negative correlation between Bitcoin and the US dollar, or it also indicates a warming trend]

According to news, bitcoin has fallen below 51% of the total market value of cryptocurrencies since the spring of 2019 and continues to fall, or hides the bull market.

It can be known from historical data that the lower the ratio of bitcoin to the total market value, the higher the market value of cryptocurrency. At the highest point of the total market value of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin only accounts for about 30% of the total market value.

Bitcoin's stored value and anti-fall effect have reached a consensus in the bear market stage, resulting in bitcoin accounting for the total market value has been high. The driving force behind the gradual decline in the proportion is that better projects in the cryptocurrency sector bring higher returns, which in turn push up the overall market value. On the other hand, the 10-year US Treasury yield fell, falling below the 2.6% line, and the US dollar was more uncertain in 2019. The MORECOIN Institute believes that from the negative correlation between Bitcoin and the US dollar, it also indicates Warming up trend.


6.【動態 | 一瑞典礦工使用太陽能挖礦 從而節省了75%的採礦成本】



6. [Dynamic | A Swedish miner uses solar mining to save 75% of mining costs]

According to ethereumworldnews, a Swedish miner claims that after installing solar panels at home,

Mining costs have been cut by about 75% because there is no need to pay high electricity bills or overload their local grid.

7.【動態 | ETH出現價值超840萬美元的大額轉帳】

據Chaindigg數據,北京時間3/16 22點05分左右,0x034f開頭地址向三個不同的接收地址均轉入20000枚ETH,共計60000枚ETH,總價值約840.84萬美元。





7. [Dynamic | ETH has a large amount of money worth over $8.4 million]

According to the Chaindigg data, Beijing time 3/16 22:05, the beginning address of 0x034f transferred to 20,000 ETHs to three different receiving addresses, totaling 60,000 ETHs, with a total value of about 8,840,400 US dollars.

The transaction hash values are:




8.【現場 | Frank Ling CEO:支付業擁抱BTC 則比特幣價值將迅速翻倍】


在菲律賓首都馬尼拉正式召開。 CEO Frank Ling以“區塊鏈支付新思路”爲主題發表演講。



8. [On-site | Frank Ling CEO: The value of bitcoin will double rapidly in the payment industry to embrace BTC]

Golden Finance reported on the scene, today, the first "One Belt, One Road Blockchain + Chess International Exhibition" hosted by BlockGame, Topology Chain, and Coin Report

Officially held in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Frank Ling, CEO of, delivered a speech on the theme of “New Ideas for Blockchain Payments”.

He said that China’s daily transfer amount is about RMB 3 trillion, so there will be a gradual emergence of foreign exchange market demand for gold and capital.

The annual demand for deposits and withdrawals in the game market and the allocation of personal assets to other industries. Therefore, the payment industry should embrace BTC in large numbers, which will result in a large number of independent addresses from the exchange, and the value of Bitcoin will quickly rise many times in the short term.

9.【分析:LTCK線RSI出現背離 有回調需求】

Bitcoinist分析,LTC在日線圖上K線走勢與RSI指標出現明顯背離,LTC持續上漲的走勢可能需要降溫。但只要LTC不再跌破200日均線(目前為44.38美元),漲勢就沒有問題。 LTC現報61.10美元,今日漲幅4.58%

9. [Analysis: LTC Day K Line and RSI Deviate from Callback Needs]

According to Bitcoinist analysis, LTC's K-line trend on the daily chart is significantly different from the RSI indicator, and the LTC's continued upward trend may need to be cooled. But as long as LTC no longer falls below the 200-day moving average (currently at $44.38), there is no problem with the uptrend. LTC is currently reporting $61.10, up 4.58% today.


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