2019/1/14 新聞精選 by FENG-YI Consultant
1.【動態 | BTC過去半年代碼提交排名32位】
1.【[Dynamic | BTC code submission in the past half year is ranked 32】
According to cryptomiso data, the top five Github code submissions in the past six months are: INS (submit 6950 times, 21 contributors), ZRX (3829, 45), RHOC (2454, 50), ZIL (2192, 34), ZSE (2045, 7). In addition, the BTC ranks 32, and has submitted 655 codes in the past six months; ETH ranked 42 and submitted 483 codes in the past six months.
2.【動態 | 炒幣社區人群年齡分布25-34歲佔比最高】
2.【Dynamic | The age distribution of the speculative community is the highest in the age of 25-34】
According to the Beijing News, according to statistics, the age distribution of the speculative community is as follows: 18-24 years old, accounting for 13.84%, 25-34 years old, accounting for 48.43%, 35-44 years old, accounting for 24.96%, 45-54 years old. The proportion is 8.9%, the proportion of 55-64 is 2.61%, and the proportion of 65+ is 1.26%. The gender distribution of the speculative people accounts for the following: 91.22% are male and 8.78% are female.
3.【動態 | 黑客開始針對大型礦場進行算力劫持】
3.【Dynamic | Hackers begin to count power for large mines】
According to a blockchain report, hackers have recently hijacked the mines. At the beginning of January, the ant mining machine at the cC mine was hijacked by hackers. The hacker wrote that there are only two ways to avoid being attacked. One is to transmit the virus to at least 1,000 machines in other mines in the form of firmware patches. The second is to give the hacker 10 bitcoins.
If you don't do this, you will turn off the fan and overheat protection of the ant miner, burn your mine and even the house. According to the analysis, as early as 2013, some hackers used viruses to hijack other people's computers to hide mines. However, attacks on large mines and mining machines began to appear not long ago.
4.【金色晨訊 | 大量比特幣巨頭開始進行比特幣交易】
(2)BitPay CEO:比特幣生態系統正在回歸到“健康”的狀態
(6)2018年近200個ICO項目通過Reg D繞過美國證券交易委員會的禁令
4.【[Golden Morning News | A large number of bitcoin giants start trading bitcoin】
(1) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: Altcoin may cause bitcoin prices to remain low
(2) BitPay CEO: The Bitcoin ecosystem is returning to a “healthy” state
(3) Malicious software that charges the video tampering with the user page to defraud the digital currency
(4) Dash core team: I believe that 51% of attacks will not occur
(5) Google is accused of only prohibiting Ethereum advertising
(6) Nearly 200 ICO projects in 2018 bypassed the ban by the US Securities and Exchange Commission through Reg D
(7) The Malaysian government has not yet decided whether to legalize digital currency
(8) A large number of bitcoin giants began to conduct bitcoin transactions
(9) The ProgPoW team acknowledges that they are working with NVIDIA and AMD
5.【聲音 | Lane Rettig:“ASIC挖礦可能帶來中心化問題”是一種謬論】
1月12日,在“以太坊的窘境與君士坦丁堡保衛戰”爲主題的金色直播間內,針對有關ProgPoW機制的提問,以太坊核心技術成員、Ewasm團隊創始成員Lane Rettig表示,當前社區中的很多人都一直奉行去中心化並抵制ASIC,擔心ASIC挖礦可能帶來的中心化問題,其實在某種程度上這是一種謬論。
5.【Sound | Lane Rettig: "The ASIC mining may bring centralization problems" is a paradox】
On January 12th, in the golden live broadcast room on the theme of "East of the Ethereum and the Battle of Constantinople", the question about the ProgPoW mechanism, the core technology member of Ethereum and the founding member of the Ewasm team, Lane Rettig, said that Many people in the community have been pursuing decentralization and resisting ASICs. They are worried about the centralization problems that ASIC mining may bring. In fact, this is a paradox to some extent.
If it weren't for ASIC, there were only three chip makers in decades: Intel, Nvidia, and AMD, which seemed more central. Our focus is not on boycotting ASICs, but on transitioning to the “quietness” and PoS phases, and we will actually start deploying later this year.
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