
2019/1/12  新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant 


1.【聲音 | Dovey Wan:PoW的模式達到了兩種角色的分離和權利的分離】

在本期金色相對論中,針對PoW和PoS哪一類共識機制的項目更好的問題,Primitive Ventures創始合夥人Dovey Wan表示:在PoS裡,“維護協議的人”和“擁有資源的人”是同一批人。


可是現在很多POS幣,基金會,團隊初始分配的時候就擁有超過51,私募或者公募只有20%了,卻已經沒有任何人關心了 。我個人觀點是,這些私人央行隨著投資人更加聰明,最終必須都會歸零的。沒有人會給一個自封貴族的人交稅。

1. [Voice | Dovey Wan: PoW's model achieves separation of two roles and separation of rights]

In this issue of the Golden Theory of Relativity, Dovey Wan, founding partner of Primitive Ventures, said that in the case of PoW and PoS, the founding partner of the Primitive Ventures, Dovey Wan said: In PoS, the “maintainer of the agreement” and the “owner of the resource” are the same. Batch of people.

However, the mode of the PoW forced the miners to sell coins, even in the market environment, the efficiency of the survival of the fittest, PoW's model is to "waste" resources, to achieve the separation of the two roles and the separation of rights (additional entropy is actually Another level of understanding at a high level is not mentioned here.

However, many POS coins, foundations, and teams have more than 51 initial allocations, and private placements or public offerings are only 20%, but no one cares. My personal opinion is that these private central banks will eventually return to zero as investors become smarter. No one will pay taxes to a self-styled aristocrat.

2.【聲音 | Dovey Wan:PoS必須要存在大量的通帳】

在本期金色相對論中,針對PoW和PoS哪一類共識機制的項目更好的問題,Primitive Ventures創始合夥人Dovey Wan表示:PoS更像是原來社會制度裡的貴族制,說的是繼承權,你的姓氏決定了你能獲得的社會資源。


2. [Sound | Dovey Wan: PoS must have a large amount of accounts]

In this issue of Golden Relativity, for the question of which type of consensus mechanism for PoW and PoS is better, Dovey Wan, founding partner of Primitive Ventures, said: PoS is more like the aristocracy in the original social system, saying that inheritance rights, your The last name determines the social resources you can get.

PoW is more like a social distribution system that is meritocracy and distributed according to work. PoS, because as long as you have the currency, you can always enjoy the income from the currency. This led to the early advantage of the bagholder and Dazhuang relative to others. In addition, because the opportunity cost brought by PoS lock currency can be calculated, due to the opportunity cost, all PoS must have a large amount of accounts. Because only the income from the account can offset this part of the opportunity cost, the validator for the voluntary lock on the PoS can be a clear account. So we will see that most of the PoS has a very high percentage of accounts.

3.【動態 | 區塊鏈電子發票入選“2018智慧城市十大熱詞”】


3. [Dynamic | Blockchain electronic invoices were selected as "Top Ten Hot Words in 2018 Smart City"]

According to, on January 9, the 2018 Annual Conference on Innovation Impact was held in Beijing. At the meeting, the “Top Ten Hot Words of 2018 Smart City” was released, including blockchain electronic invoices. It is reported that this is a typical representative of the blockchain's accelerated landing in the financial scene. Its four characteristics are traceable, secure, non-tamperable and de-authentic.

4.【動態 | Bitrrex正在重新組織並擴大冷錢包】


4. [Dynamic | Bitrrex is reorganizing and expanding the cold wallet]

Bitrrex said that we are reorganizing and expanding the cold wallet, which will encourage funds to flow between the wallets, there is no need to worry.

5.【聲音 | 巴西比特幣先驅:加密貨幣應被視爲一種高端市場】

據BitcoinNews報導,巴西比特幣先驅Samuel Maurer近日表示,比特幣與郁金香泡沫不同。關於這一言論的辯論已經過時了,即使最有經驗的經濟學家想要進行類比,比特幣和郁金香泡沫之間也沒有相似之處。


5. [Sound | Brazilian Bitcoin Pioneer: Cryptographic currency should be considered a high-end market]

According to BitcoinNews, Brazilian bitcoin pioneer Samuel Maurer said recently that bitcoin is different from the tulip bubble. The debate about this remark is outdated, and even the most experienced economists want to make an analogy, there is no similarity between Bitcoin and the tulip bubble.

By analyzing the cost and price ratio of Bitcoin, you can see the difference between the two. Bitcoin fell in 2018 and briefly recovered in 2019, proving the health and liquidity of the market. Therefore, it is not correct to compare it with tulip foam. At the same time, he concluded that cryptocurrency is completely different from any other commodity in terms of nature and technology. Therefore, due to its novelty, cryptocurrencies should not be compared to any other commodities or investments, but should be regarded as a high-end market.


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