

Has the 2020 effect come in advance? The market heat has been ignited, when will it cool?



1.OKEx BTC合約精英賬戶空頭持倉比例增漲至26.40%

截至5/16 早上8點,OKEx比特幣合約精英帳戶中,多頭平均持倉比例為12.48%,空頭平均持倉比例為26.40%空頭持倉比例開始增加



1. [The percentage of short positions in the elite account of OKEx BTC contract increased to 26.40%]

As of 8:00 am, at 8:00 am, in the OKEx Bitcoin contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 12.48%, the short-selling average position ratio was 26.40%, and the short position ratio began to increase.

In the Ethereum contract elite account, the long-term average position ratio was 17.41%, and the short-selling average position ratio was 25.39%. The short position continued to dominate.

The current total number of BTC contract positions is about 47,300 BTC, and the positions continue to decrease; the total number of ETH contract positions is about 598,900 ETH, which is about 50,000 ETHs compared with yesterday's positions.

2.【分析 | BTC多頭貼水創今年第二高位,市場流量連續3日淨流入

TokenInsight數據顯示,反映區塊鏈行業整體表現的TI指數北京時間5/16 上午8時報715.51點,較昨日同期上漲39.39點,漲幅爲5.83%



2. [Analysis | BTC long-selling water hits the second highest level this year, market flow for 3 consecutive days of net inflow]

According to TokenInsight data, the TI index reflecting the overall performance of the blockchain industry reported 715.51 points at 8:00 am Beijing time, which was up 39.39 points or 5.83%.

In addition, among the 28 sub-sectors that TokenInsight is concerned about, the highest increase in 24 hours is the social and content platform industry, with an increase of 79.53%; the highest decline in 24 hours is for the commerce and leasing applications industry, a decrease of 1.52%.

According to the monitoring, the number of BTC active addresses and the number of transfers decreased by 3.39% and 21.78% respectively. BCtrend analyst Jeffrey believes that BTC long-term discounts hit the second highest level this year, and market traffic continued to flow for three consecutive days, and will continue to rise in the short term.

According to the quantitative analysis of BitUniverse, the mainstream currency has risen collectively, paying attention to risk avoidance. The PAX/USDT stable currency trading pair can be run on the grid, with no risk arbitrage.

3.【聲音 | Ledger CEO:幣安被盜事件發生後,公司銷量增長了一倍

5/15,Ledger首席執行官Pascal Gauthier在Atomic Swap會議上表示,在幣安駭客攻擊事件發生後,該公司的銷售額增長了一倍。 Gauthier還表示,提供安全關鍵産品會帶來壓力。一旦市值從10億美元大幅增長至1萬億美元,安全問題就變得更加棘手。如果出現大幅增長,Ledger將需要額外的投資來應對安全方面的擔憂。

3. [Sound | Ledger CEO: After the collapse of the currency security, the company's sales have doubled]

5/15, Ledger CEO Pascal Gauthier said at the Atomic Swap conference that the company's sales doubled after the currency hacker attack. Gauthier also said that providing safety-critical products would put pressure on them. Once the market value has grown dramatically from $1 billion to $1 trillion, security issues have become even more difficult. If there is a significant increase, Ledger will need additional investment to address security concerns.

4.【動態 | BitLeague推出特幣定期存款産品】


4. [Dynamic | BitLeague launches special currency time deposit products]

According to cryptoglobe, cryptocurrency startup BitLeague announced during the 2019 New York Consensus Conference that it recently launched a bitcoin time deposit product. Time deposits will provide a 9% annual interest rate with a lock-up period of 3 to 36 months.

5.【聲音 | Coinbase首席執行官:Coinbase自僱間諜測試系統安全性】

decryptmedia報導,Coinbase首席執行官Brian Armstrong今天在共識大會期間向華爾街日報記者透露,Coinbase僱傭了大多數工作人員都不知情的間諜,他們會來申請工作、試圖滲透到交易所的辦公室並破壞網絡。通常情況下,只有安全負責人才知道這是一次演習。

Armstrong表示,如果運氣好的話,他們可能會破壞一兩層安全保障。 Armstrong稱,Coinbase客戶的資金存儲在地理位置分散的數據庫中,並且該交易所正在構建其“第四代”冷庫系統。

5. [Sound | Coinbase CEO: Coinbase Self-Employment Spy Test System Security]

According to decryptmedia, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong revealed to Wall Street Journal reporters during the consensus meeting today that Coinbase hired spies who were uninformed by most of the staff, who would apply for work, try to penetrate the exchange's office and disrupt the network. . Usually, only the responsible person in charge knows that this is an exercise.

Armstrong said that if they are lucky, they may damage one or two layers of security. Armstrong said that Coinbase customers' funds are stored in geographically dispersed databases, and the exchange is building its "fourth generation" cold storage system.

6.【聲音 | Circle首席執行官:CME比特幣期貨交易超10億美元表明機構已正式進入】

據cryptoslate報導,芝加哥商品交易所 (CME ) 昨日宣布,5/13,CME比特幣期貨交易量創下曆史新高,交易價值超過10億美元。對此,Circle首席執行官Jeremy Allaire表示,CME錄得10億美元交易量表明機構投資者已正式進入加密貨幣市場。

6. [Sound | Circle CEO: CME Bitcoin futures trading over $1 billion indicates that the organization has officially entered]

According to cryptoslate, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) announced yesterday that 5/13, CME bitcoin futures trading volume hit a record high, with a transaction value of more than $1 billion. In this regard, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire said that CME recorded a $1 billion transaction volume indicating that institutional investors have officially entered the cryptocurrency market.



7. [Korean Exchange Bithumb restores XRP, EOS and BCH access services]

According to the official announcement of Bithumb, Bithumb will resume XRP, EOS and BCH deposit and withdrawal services at 12:00 am South Korea time. In addition, the announcement said that access to other cryptocurrencies will resume after June.

8.【美國政府執法辯護律師:Bitwise ETF最後期限或將再度推遲至10/13】

美國政府執法辯護和證券訴訟律師Jake Chervinsky發推表示:正如預期的那樣,SEC推遲了對Bitwise比特幣ETF的決定。新的截止日期是8/15。 SEC可以將最後期限再推遲一次,即10/13。奇怪的是,SEC還沒有對VanEck做出決定,但很可能也會推遲。

8. [US Government Enforcement Defence Counsel: Bitwise ETF deadline may be postponed to 10/13 again]

Jake Chervinsky, a US law enforcement defense and securities litigation attorney, said: As expected, the SEC postponed the decision on the Bitwise Bitcoin ETF. The new deadline is 8/15. The SEC can postpone the deadline once again, which is 10/13. Curiously, the SEC has not yet made a decision on VanEck, but it is likely to be postponed.

9.【分析 | BTC高位持續震蕩 其他幣種約有110億美元的上升空間】




9. [Analysis | BTC highs continue to oscillate in other currencies with about $11 billion in upside]

A few days ago, the BTC will be reminded that the follow-up funds will be returned to the mainstream echelon including small coins, and the recent continuous profit-making effect and extensive media coverage around the world have also attracted some extra-currency incremental funds to enter the market, and recently in the small Driven by the strong ETH of the currency, the small-coin market has seen a comprehensive flowering pattern, and there are so many currencies that have risen more than 30%.

Analyst Potter said that while the BTC stage is in a high range, the total market capitalization of the rest of the currency has recently broken upwards from the end of the rising triangle. The weekly strong position stands on the MA50 moving average, and the market value has risen sharply from the previous period of 80 billion US dollars to the present. Near the $106 billion, the range rose by as much as 33%.

At present, the total market value is stronger than the strong MA100 long-term moving average of 117 billion US dollars and 11 billion US dollars of rising space, but recently due to the rapid increase, most of the currencies have risen to the stage high, it is not recommended to chase the current, to be followed Withdrew the support and then sucked in and waited for the second wave of rebound.


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